Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chapter 5

What did Joey do at Howard's birthday celebration? How did the adults react? Why?


Anonymous said...

Joey blows out the candles that wre on Howerd's cake because he thought he was helping Howerd. The adults were suprized and made at Joey and joey was made to go to the chair he always sat in.Joey thought he was helping and thought Howerd liked him for what Joey helped him with and the adults dident think Howerd liked it.

Anonymous said...

Brielle says:

Joey blows out the candles for Harold and thinks it helpes him to make his wish come true,because Harold is smiling at him and was very happy.The parents are shocked and so Joey gets sent to the quiet chair or time out chair.He also does not get cupcakes he gets a carrot instead becuase they say he's had enough sugar for today.

Anonymous said...

He blew out Harold's birthday candle and the parents goy mad.

Anonymous said...

Joey blew out howerds candles on the cake.Joey said to howerd "see i made your wish come true. all the parents were shocked but i think they understood cuz he was "wired" wrong.he had to go sit in the corner on his tall be quite chair

nikki fredricks


Anonymous said...

Howerd was having troble blowing out his birthday candles so joey thinks that he was helping him when he blew out his candles for him. but all the parents where shockedso joey whent to the time out chair,even when howerd was happy.and joey didnt get a cupcake insted he got a carrot becaus he didnt need any more sugar.


Anonymous said...

joey blows out howerds cake candles and says see your wish came true the audlts get mad and send im to his in trouble chair halley

Anonymous said...

he swallowed the key his teacher cut the string the key would not come out she took him to the nurse and gave him medicane that made him throw up she dug threw the throw up whith the fork and didnt find the key. HunterC

Anonymous said...

joey blows howards cake candles out cause he thought he was helping howard out and the parents didnt like it so he had to go out to the hall.

Charli Moore

Anonymous said...

joey blew harolds candles out because he thought he might be helping him out but harold could have problebly been able to do it him self the adults were very suprized that joey had done that but they new he had ADHD but they did make joey sit outside the hall in a chair

Shadow satre

Anonymous said...

joey blows the candles for howards cake the adult were blown away then he got sent to a quiet chair . howard liked it but the adult didnt like it


Anonymous said...

Howard had a birthday party and could not blow out the candle and joey did it for him howard was happy but the parents were shocked.kate indreland

Anonymous said...

it's Howards birth day and joey went up and blew out the candles for Howard he was helping him.Howardliked what joey did.Braden fiveash

Anonymous said...

joey blows out howards candles because howard coudnt do it and the adults were taken aback
mat gibby

Anonymous said...

Joey blew out Howard's candle.The adults react very shocked because it was disrespectful.

Cade Wessel

Anonymous said...

Howard couldn't blow out the candles, and Joey could tell that Howard was saying help. So Joey blew the candles out for him and the teacher was disapointed in Jooey for doing that. So Joey Had to go sit in the chair. The parents were upset too.
Carrie Lehman

Anonymous said...

Joey looks into Harodls eyes and thinks he needs to blow out his birthday candle because Harold cant and the adults think that what Joey did was bad while Joey things he saved Harold and helped his wish come true but Joey has to go sit in a chair and he asked for a cupcake but Mrs.Howard said he didnt need anymore sugar. Kate Walker

Anonymous said...

Joey blows out Harold's birthday candles becuase Harold was just blowing little bubbles trieing to blow out his candles. The moms and Mrs.Howard were shocked at Joey for blowing out Harold's candles because it was Harold's birthday party and Harold was trieing to blow out his own candles.Also Joey thinks it was okay to blow out Harold's candles because afterwards Harold was smileing and was really happy.
Lauryn Yuzeitis

Anonymous said...

Joey blows out Harold's birthday candles becuase Harold was just blowing little bubbles trieing to blow out his candles. The moms and Mrs.Howard were shocked at Joey for blowing out Harold's candles because it was Harold's birthday party and Harold was trieing to blow out his own candles.Also Joey thinks it was okay to blow out Harold's candles because afterwards Harold was smileing and was really happy.
Lauryn Yuzeitis

Anonymous said...

Why would the moms and Mrs.Howard be mad at Joey for blowing out Harold's candles?
Lauryn Yuzeitis

Anonymous said...

at howards birthday party joey is just trying to help and he blows out howards candeall the adults are mad at joey joey doesnt get a cupcake.
maria lovely

Anonymous said...

joey blows out the candle the adults react very suprised because they didn't think joey would do that but harold is very happy about it

tanna campbell

Anonymous said...

Joey goes to the special ed. room and he blows out Harolds candle and the adults are shocked.

Mesa King

Anonymous said...

Joey goes to the speacial ed room where harold is having a birthday and joey blows out the candle. he also swallows the key agian

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nature takes its course and the key comes out and when Joey cleans it off and takes it to school he puts it down his throat for a dollar.The teacher sends him to specials and they are having a party for Harold and when Harold can't blow out the candle Joey blows it out and he thinks that Harold is happy and the teacher sends him to the Big Quiet Chair.

Anonymous said...

The post above is from Emily Hughes

Anonymous said...

the post above is from Emily Hughes

Anonymous said...

Joey wants to help Howard blow out his candles so he gets a wish. Then all the parents and teachers looked at him as if he did something horriable. Joey thought he was making Howard feel better, and he just wanted him to get his wish. Then Joey got sent to the quiet chair and had to read a book and he couldn't even have a cuppcake...he had to eat a carrot. I think they were being to hard on Joey. by Nicholas Frank

Anonymous said...

Jey blowes the candles out for him and they were all supized but joey thought he did something good

Sammi W.