Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chapter 4

Joey's mom gave him something to help him remember to be still. What was it? What do you think Joey was thinking about to help him be still at that time?


Anonymous said...

joey's mom gave him a piture of joey standing still so his mom said "when u feel jittery look at this picture and it will help you stand still"....well then he asks his friend how much wil he give him if he swallows his key and his friend said $1 sso he swollowed his key well then joey forgot that his teacher cut off the string 2 the key so joey stands up and yells "i swallowed my key" and his teacher new exactly what happened so his teacher brings him down to the nurses and told her what happened so the nerse gave joey this medicine and it makes u throw up so he threw up and stil no key so she gave him another spoon and joey threw up and STILL no key so the nerse said the key has either cut him open or nature has taken its course and joey said " i vote nature" so then joey's techer gets the princible over and she takes joey to the downstais and that was the speicial ed place and his speicial ed teacher put him in a stage 1 chair and then joey stays still trying to proove this is all a big mistake and then the spiecial ed teacher goes and helps another kid so then joey starts kicking the chair so then his speicial ed teacher caught him and then stuck slippers so joey kept kicking his chair till his feet stated hurting so then he stopped and fell asleep well after a while his speicial ed teacher woke him up and said he can go back to class so he gets back and when he does some kidd made a snickering sound and everybody started laughing so then he sat down put his head on his desk and felt like falling asleep well then the bell rang so he zoomed out the door and sat on the porch till his mom got home and didnt tell her about the key but then she found out anyway cause his princible called and told joey's mom............................


Anonymous said...

Joey's mom gave joey a picture of him
standing still and told him that when he gets hiper look at the picture and say to him self he can be still.I think joey was thankfull for his mom giving him that.And he did not like to go to that speical ed thing he had to wear pink fuzzy slippers to calm himself down in that big chair.

nikki fredricks

Anonymous said...

his mom gave him a picture of him sitting still to remind him that he can stay still.

brian trautman

Anonymous said...

she gave him a picture of him sitting still so can stay still when he is he looks at the picture and tells himself he can be still then he asks his friend how much he will give him if his friend says 1 dollar so he swallows the key
jess moody

Anonymous said...

Joeys mom gives him a picture of him standing still to make him stop getting out of hands
kate indreland

Anonymous said...

the picture doesn't allways work
kate indreland

Anonymous said...

joeys mom gave him a picture so he can sit still.

Anonymous said...

his mom gave him a picture of him standing stillin the picture.

Anonymous said...

joeys mom took a picture of him standing still so he would remember to stand still at school
charli moore

Anonymous said...

hismom gave him a picture of him standing still.He thinking about pleasing everyone.


Anonymous said...

joeys mom gave him a picture of him being very still he tried to remember what he was thinking about to be still but he just couldnt

tanna campbell

Anonymous said...

joeys mom gave him a picture of him being still to help him remember to try and be still during school he tried but couldnt do it Kate Walker

Anonymous said...

Joey's mom gave him a picture of Joey being very still.I think Joey was thinking of his mom at the time because Joey's mom is not ''wired'' as Joey says it.
Lauryn Yuzeitis

Anonymous said...

Joey's mom gives him a picture of Joey while he was being still to show him that he can be still.She told Joey to look at it whenever he feels out of control,and that it should calm him down.

Emily Hughes

Anonymous said...

Joey's mom gives him a picture of Joey while he was being still to show him that he can be still.She told Joey to look at it whenever he feels out of control,and that it should calm him down.

Emily Hughes

Anonymous said...

joeys mom gives him a picture that shows him being still. if he feel out of control he should look at it.

honey cranston

Anonymous said...

joey's mom gives joey a picture of him standing still when he is going "crazy' and is really hyper joey just has to look at the picture and it will remind him of being calm
maria lovely

Anonymous said...

Joey's mom shows him a picture of him being still to remind him he can be still during school. Toby

Anonymous said...

Joey's mom shows him a picture of him being still to remind him he can be still during school. Toby

Anonymous said...

Loey's mom gives him a picture ,and in that picture Joey was being really still, him being still in the picture reminded him to be still.What I think Joey was thinking about at that time was trying to swollow the key and pull it back up his throat.
Carrie Lehman

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

joeys mom gives him a picture of him when he was little so it makes him think of ways to stay still MARTJE-JANE PLAGGEMEYER

Anonymous said...

joey kept swallowing the key. hunterc

Anonymous said...

joey got a picture from his mom

Anonymous said...

Joey's mom gave him a picture of her so when he feels that he is about to off the walls (he goes crasy or go bursick). I do not get why he does not tell them that he needed the pills, why doesn't he just take the pills before and after lunch?

by: Cory Siegfried

Nicholas Frank said...

Joey's mom gave him a picture of himself standing very still and smiling and then he would look at and it would remind him to be very calm. He tried to think when was that, I don't remember.